
LBAA Voluntary Pilot Program

Long Beach Airport Association (LBAA) is a nonprofit organization representing LGB tenant members. The LBAA provided “How to Fly a Friendly Pattern at LGB” best practices to LGB-based flight schools, master tenants and operators. Recommendations include using the full length of the runway, full power on departure and techniques for achieving maximum altitude. More details available here.

How will pilots be made aware of the Voluntary Pilot Program?

The LBAA is conducting outreach among its members, including holding several meetings and providing educational flyers for pilots. This voluntary program applies to LGB-based flight schools only.

Who has regulatory authority over flight paths?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has regulatory authority over flight paths.

What happens if an aircraft operator violates the procedures outlined in LBAA’s Voluntary Pilot Program?

LBAA’s program is 100% voluntary and is not enforceable by law or policy.

What is the relationship between LGB and other regional airports?

Each airport has its own local polices, that are subject to FAA federal oversight. As well, each airport may have unique community concerns. In effort to raise the awareness of community education regionally, here is an effort underway to address a broader communication between airport businesses, specifically flight training. More details to be announced soon